Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Your In-House CFD Capability
Have you ever wish for the power to solve your 3D aerodynamics analysis problems within your company just at the push of a button? Stallion 3D gives you this very power using your MS Windows laptop or desktop computers. The software provides accurate CL, CD, & CM numbers directly from CAD geometries without the need for user-grid-generation and costly cloud computing.
Stallion 3D v 4 is the only MS windows software that enables you to solve turbulent compressible flows on your PC. It utilizes the power that is hidden in your personal computer (64 bit & multi-cores technologies). The software simultaneously solves seven unsteady non-linear partial differential equations on your PC. Five of these equations (the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes, RANs) ensure conservation of mass, momentum and energy for a compressible fluid. Two additional equations captures the dynamics of a turbulent flow field.
Unlike other CFD software that require you to purchase a grid generation software (and spend days generating a grid), grid generation is automatic and is included within Stallion 3D. Results are often obtained within a few hours after opening the software.
Do you need to analyze upwind and down wind sails? Do you need data for wings and ship stabilizers at 10, 40, 80, 120 degrees angles and beyond? Do you need accurate lift, drag & temperature predictions at subsonic, transonic and supersonic flows? Stallion 3D can handle all flow speeds for any geometry all on your ordinary PC.
Tutorials, videos and more information about Stallion 3D version 4.0 can be found at:
If your have any questions about this article, please call me at (352) 261-3376 or visit
About Patrick Hanley, Ph.D.
Dr. Patrick Hanley is the owner of Hanley Innovations. He received his Ph.D. degree in fluid dynamics for Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) department of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Course XVI). Dr. Hanley is the author of Stallion 3D, MultiSurface Aerodynamics, MultiElement Airfoils, VisualFoil and the booklet Aerodynamics in Plain English.